Thursday, July 1, 2010

First Entry

Dear Reader,

Like so many in my age bracket, I'm lost. I've been lost for a few years now. First, I was fired from my job. I accepted that, and decided to move on to a different career field. I started attending classes to become a phlebotomist. Then The Powers That Be threw a monkey wrench in those plans, and I became very ill. It's been a year now since I had my hysterectomy and unfortunately, I'm still not fully recovered. But in that time, I lost a lot of who I was. I spent so much time being sick, it was hard for me to go back and find myself again.

Then last summer, I went to stay with a friend of mine. I was at his home for about two or three months, doing the things I always used to do. Drinking, partying, going to concerts, that sort of thing. But it wasn't enough for me. I still enjoy those activities but they don't sustain me like they used to. And now, I'm trying to figure out what to do with my life.

I can't continue on with the medical field, it makes me nervous just thinking about being in a hospital all day. And also, my family is moving to Georgia. I still haven't picked a career, but I don't think I have to at this point. I've decided to go back to school, and figure it out from there. That's not all though.

I want to find a hobby or something, well anything, that will make me feel useful again. Something that will make me sound like myself. I used to find great comfort from books and writing, but I can't seem to settle down to do one or the other for very long. Instead, I want to start going out more. Hence the title of this blog.

There are many places in Humboldt County I still haven't seen, and I'm going to see them before we leave. Once we're gone, I'll begin investigating outdoor scenery in Georgia and from there wherever I please on the East Coast. I fully intend to return to the Pacific Northwest someday to do the same. As a matter of fact, my best friend and I are planning a trip to Washington state (more specifically the Olympic National Forest) next year.

In the mean time I'll help get the house ready and packed up, once there I'll enroll in school and look for a job, all the mundane things one usually does to pay the rent and put food on the table. But those won't be featured as greatly on this blog. Hopefully I'll be recording stories both fiction and non fiction, and wonderful memories.

I hope you'll enjoy reading about them.

